
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Pool trip

 Pool Trip

Entering the bus, sitting down, singing with Tillie on our way to our end-of-year trip. When we arrived we sat down and discussed the rules. While I ate Mik Mik's spring rolls, I waited for everyone to leave the changing room so I could get changed.

 SPLASH the water was luke cold, not too cold and not too warm perfect. After a few hours of splashing my tum-tum started rumbling. I got out of the pool and devoured my lunch, I jumped back in the pool shortly after that. I dived to the bottom of the pool, it was deep but I managed.  

Once everyone had gotten changed to leave, we were leaving! We drove back to school and had a sausage sizzle. I was exhausted so as soon as I got home I fell peacefully asleep.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Simplifying expressions.

I learned about algebra. I enjoyed learning algebra.

I found it challenging... To improve I will...

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Labour day reading DLO

 blurlb:It was really easy to complete, I liked reading new things..#

I learned that... about labour day. I enjoyed ... My birthday.

I found it challenging... complete the work. To improve I will...


Walt: write a story.
I learned that... writing is ok. I enjoyed... writing the story. I found it challenging that... it took me so long to complete To improve I will.... do it faster.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Water Safety with Whaea Nancy

 WAL: About water safety

Blurb: We learnt about water safety. I learnt heaps of things but I'll just say the highlights.

1. One highlight, when you call 111 at the beach, you shouldn't ask for police or paramedics you should ask for the fire department, they will redirect your call to the local lifeguards.

2. If you go to the beach you shouldn't go with anyone that is under 18, if there isn't anyone that is an adult then you go with someone that is older than you.

Reflection: Some parts we were learning about were easy because I already knew what to do.

It was cool learning new things as well, but I didn't like doing the huddle.

By Hannah.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Niuen Language week

 WAL: About Niuean math, Position, Orientation, Geography. 

Blurb: It was really easy to complete, I would do the slide again in the future.

Reflection: To improve the work I would do it faster, and get my buddy to help me.

By Hannah&Madie

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Agriculture Day

For the past week, every class in my school had to make art, ETC. the ones my class had to do was Orca art, Handwriting sample, Mural, Biscuit decorating and recycled creatures. I only made 4/5 of the activates. My biscuit came 2nd place, and the rest didn't have a placing. If you don't know what AG day is... it means Pet day, and an opportunity to make art&crafts.


By Hannah